line • So sun 10 02

•18 h 00 • 6 pmUrban Research curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Wohnraum und Moderne

• Andreas Warisz US/DE Untitled 9 min, 2 channel HD, 2007
• Rita Bakacs DE Wohnkomplex BRD 29 min, DV, 2005
• Zsolt Keserue HU Rounding Off a 24 min, DV, 2007
• Eleonore de Montesquiou DE Sillimae18 min, DV, 2006

Program starts on time.
Programm beginnt pünktlich.

Modernity, a Space to Live? – Wohnraum und Moderne
Public housing has gained a renewed interest. With the recent developments in Europe, the demographic changes, new mobility and the neo-liberal changes of local governance, modernist public housing projects need to be revisited and reconsidered. The films of Rita Bakasc and Zsolt Keserue look at prefabricated socialist panel buildings in Halle-Saale and Budapest, how the modernist industrial architecture became a home, and which radical changes those neighbourhoods undergo. Andreas Warisz portraits a special and rare 60’s tower block in Chicago, rare, as in difference to other “projects” it seems to function well as community, and the architecture, built by the Marina City architect Bertrand Goldberg (, seems to be appreciated by the inhabitants. Elise de Montesquiou, on the other hand, portraits former “Atom Cities” in Russia, cities which were “closed”, isolated and specifically supported during the times of Soviet Union. Here, she searches the faces of people, who have to cope with a totally changed economic base and the remoteness from the political and economical centres in Russia.



• 20 h • 8 pm Rote Loge hosted by Marbo Becker

Holger Ernst

Rain Is Falling 15 min, 35mm, 2004
In a time in which all borders of ethnic, religious and cultural differences are being questioned, RAIN IS FALLING makes a connection, takes a look into a foreign world and encourages a dialogue between the worlds of strangers. RAIN IS FALLING tells the story of a solution, that comparatively abstracts the big in the small.

The House I Burning 97 min, 35mm, 2006
One day. One night. A group of teenagers struggles to find their way in a world that offers them few choices. A closely photographed, metaphorical kaleidoscope of characters on the brink of growing up, facing the need to build a future, facing the past. . A search for love, acknowledgment, acceptance, a future. THE HOUSE IS BURNING is at once a warning and a promise.

FACES [:phases] 14 min 30s, 35mm, 2007
man, an "animal laborensis"? defining himself by shaping his environment and realizing himself in his products? human labor in the evolution of industry.
work processes develop; human labor becomes replaceable.
from archaism to the symphony of machines towards a service economy.
production relies increasingly on man not as laborer but as consumer.
FACES [:phases] - a visual essay

In attendance of Holger Ernst


Rain Is Falling
15 min, 35mm, 2004

Holger Ernst (* 1972), deutscher Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor lebt derzeit in Berlin und gehoert zu den groessten Regietalenten des deutschen Films. Erste grosse Aufmerksamkeit erhielt er durch den Kurzfilm, Rain Is Falling von 2004. Mit dem anschliessenden Spielfilm The House Is Burning von 2006 gelang ihm als Regisseur wie auch als Autor der internationale Durchbruch. The House Is Burning feierte auf dem Filmfestival in Cannes 2006 seine Weltpremiere im offiziellen Programm. Zur Zeit arbeitet Holger Ernst an weiteren nationalen und internationalen Filmprojekten, darunter auch das Drama D.O.P.E. – Dreaming Of Paradise Europe



• 23 h • 11 pm SL ONE curated and guided by Olga Wunderlich

Performance and Installation Art in Second Life

Live from Second Life

• Performance of Avatar Orchestra Metaverse AOM on Odyssey and ZKM-Island. (duration 30mins)

ZKM Circle (Karlsruher Kreis) Presentation and visit of the sparring philosophers (boxenden Philosophen), installation at ZKM island.
produced by The SLatelliterates. (duration 15mins)

Performance of Second Front (duration 30mins)



• 0 h30 • 0:30 am dance all night

Dance Lounge