












> I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
- Douglas Adams

> We always welcome proposals, concepts, any kind of input but please understand that we may not consider submissions for the show in february anymore.
Several follow-ups are in the pipeline and we encourage you to get in touch with us.


> You would like to show your work at the Directors Lounge ?

> Great.
Just drop us a mail with a short description of your work including the usual facts such as media, running time, year of production etc. along with a few words about your person.
To decide if we would like to present your work we will need a viewing-copy, preferably in a highly compressed video format like Divx, mpeg or Quicktime.

> Viewing-copies can be mailed to us (please split files larger than 20 meg ) or you can ask for an ftp-login for direct upload.
For the screening we will need a DVD-compatible mpeg2-file together with some screenshots to be used for promotional purposes. We will give you a login to upload your work with any FTP-program.
Alternatively you can send us SVHS, VHS, Hi-8 or Mini-DV-tapes (PAL only ) or DVD, SVCDs. Keep in mind that we will not return any sent material. Finally state that you own the copyright on your work and let us know if your work should be available online via our new established Directors Lounge television.
If in doubt, just ask.

> If you would like to present anything else, such as computer animations, installations, lectures or whatever fits into the cinematic concept, give us a short overview together with the technical necessities and we will try our best.

> Directors Lounge is a non-profit, zero-budget-project offering all shows free of charge.
Consequently, we will not pay any charge nor are we able to support any concept financially.

> postage adress

> announcing Directors Lounge 2006 february 9-19.06
> Deadline december 15.05






our herores: placebo FX, Fragments, A&O, Berliner Licht & Silber, Cinema Desaster, SIEBEN GRUENDE, Joppel-Bürkle IT,